Membership benefits:
- Learn about carriage driving
- Meet a community of fellow drivers
- Entry to club shows and events
- Stay informed about local and North American events
- Eligibility for championship awards
- Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
For more information:
Contact Vicki Cork, Membership

Annual Individual Membership
In addition to the benefits outlined above, this membership includes one vote at the Annual General Meeting. The membership runs from January to December of the calendar year.

Annual Family Membership
Family shall be defined as spouses and any children under 18 years living in one household. Includes two votes at the Annual General Meeting. The membership runs from January to December of the calendar year.

Annual Junior Membership
Junior shall be defined as children under 18 years of age during the year of membership. The membership includes free entry for all 2022 OCDA shows. If the member is 15 years or older, one vote at the Annual General Meeting is also included.